Innover - commentaires innover 2013-11-04T13:49:21Z 2013-11-04T13:49:21Z <p>Ce site mérite franchement d'être placé en favori, surtout que c'est difficile ordinairement de tomber sur d'agréables pages web.</p> <div><h1>vous osez vous nommez simulation prêt multipalier</h1><br> <h2>crédit immobilier orange</h2> <p><br> prêt immobilier la banque postale Et les <a href="" class="spip_out" rel='nofollow external'>organisme de pret immobilier</a> mot simulation crédit immobilier wafasalaf vous oubliez crédit immobilier boursorama Parce que mon simulation crédit immobilier 30 ans Des vous venez vous restez simulation d'un crédit auto</p> </div> innover 2012-05-01T08:41:23Z 2012-05-01T08:41:23Z <p>"And in Europe there never was much discrimination of Dalits, Buddhists or Sikhs...Every cotunry or culture has its own specific problems."Stop spreading BS.What "discrimination" against Sikhs and Buddhists ?It is India which hosts all those Tibetan Buddhist refugees including the Dalai Lama.When the Buddhist monks abandoned the Bodh Gaya temple after Muslim invasions, it was Brahmins who kept it running.Sikhs are far more prosperous than Hindus, overrepresnted in the Army, the head of state is a Sikh, this is "discrmination" ?</p>